Pollution and the Charles Rive

    Paper 2: Essay with Visual Component

    Purpose and Goals:  In Paper 1 you analyzed and evaluated pieces of writing closely and created a critical argument on a topic related to the Woburn Wells G and H Superfund Site.  In this essay you will build on those skills by engaging with three or more sources (the readings that I attached) to enter the ongoing debate on pollution and the Charles River.  When you are done with this essay you will be able to
    ·         develop a claim based on your understanding of multiple sources
    ·         compose an academic argument using multiple sources
    ·         create cohesive and effective paragraphs, guided by topic sentences that relate to the claim
    ·         choose, integrate and correctly cite textual evidence (quotes)
    ·         use appropriate academic diction including correct grammar and syntax
    Task:  Write a five- to seven-page essay (use MLA) about any topic related to the assigned readings on pollution and the Charles River.  Your essay should do everything that Paper 1 was supposed to do, plus the following:

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    ·         Engage with at least three sources
    ·         Begin with an informative, yet brief and intriguing title

    ·         Correctly quote and cite all sources

    ·         Patiently introduce and carefully analyze each piece of evidence

    ·         End with a conclusion that explores legitimate consequences of your claim

    Introduction: the introduction seems not related to the thesis, which is the last sentence in the first paragraph. It needs to be fixed.

    Conclusion: the teacher wants to see new significant. The conclusion has to be continuous, since the writer has to give something to the readers to think about.

    Also, the whole paper is not related to the readings that I attached.

    This paper is related to the readings that I attached. The writer has to use three sources (which means three readings) from the readings that I give. The topic is The Charles River. The writer has to be specific from the readings. The writer may use the outside source, but don’t use too much. Be sure to quote the sources. Also, I am an international student, I don’t want the writer write too professional. I just want the paper be more related and specific to the readings.

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