political since

    PO 101: Political Violence
    ***No late submissions will be accepted beyond the due date and time

    Instructions: There are two parts to this assignment. Make sure you have addressed both Part A and Part B in order to receive full marks.
    Part A: Refer to information from the Uppsala University Conflict Data Program’s Encyclopedia of Conflict, or any other data source, to answer the questions below. Do not use the United States, Canada or Mexico as your examples/cases. The website for the UCDP is here: https://www.ucdp.uu.se/gpdatabase/search.php
    ***In order to learn more about each conflict, explore the website or click on a country in red on the map and then click again—two clicks—for a brief description of each violent event.

    1. Identify and list 5(five) cases of primordial conflicts in the world in 1975, the first year for which data is available. Do not describe or define anything, just list the country and the incidence of violence you believe to be primordial based on what you have learned this semester. For example,
    Year: 1975
    Country Primordial Conflict (names only)

    2. For the midpoint year of 1994; identify and list 5(five) cases of separatist conflict in the world in 1994. The countries you list should not be the ones you listed for primordial conflicts above. Again, do not describe anything. Just list each country and the incidence of violence you believe to be separatist, based on what you have learned this semester. For example,
    Year: 1994
    Country Separatist Conflict (names only)

    3. For the year 2013, the most recent year for which data is available, identify and list 3(three) cases of issues-based violence in the world in 2013. The countries you list under this section should not be the ones you listed for primordial or separatist violence. Again, do not describe anything. Just list each country and the incidence of violence you believe to be issues-based using the criteria you have learned this semester. For example,
    Year: 2013
    Country Issues-based violence (names only)

    Part B: Answer the following questions below based on the information you have found above:
    1. Which type(s) of violence was/were most prevalent in 1975?
    2. Which types of violence is most prevalent in 2013?
    3. Has political violence increased or decreased over time?
    4. Has political violence spread across space or do the same places keep experiencing political violence?
    5. Is the world a more violent place in 2013 or a more peaceful place? Support your answer with a brief explanation.

    Again, in order to learn more about each conflict, click on a country in red on the map and then click again—two clicks—for a brief description of each violent event.
    Your work should be limited to 3(three) or less pages. Provide proper citations for any references you provide in your work. See the Arnold Bernhard website on Information Fluency for various style guides: https://myq.quinnipiac.edu/IT%20%20Libraries/ABL/Documents/ABL_OnlineTutorials.aspx#Citing_Sources_and_Using_RefWorks_

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