Political science
You should choose a topic that is of interest to you. We have or will have covered a number of issues during the semester including:
Federalism and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act
Gay Marriage/Marriage Equality
Marijuana Laws
Differences between the states with regard to taxes
Voting Laws and voter ID
Ballot Initiatives, recall elections
Political parties
The American Legislative Exchange Council
You might also want to examine issues such as prisons, sentencing and the death penalty, state efforts to restrict access to abortion, stand your ground laws, efforts at the state level to limit collective bargaining rights or limit affirmative action, felon disenfranchisement, or different approaches to K-12 education or higher education AMONG MANY OTHERS.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but hopefully it will get you started thinking. You should take a comparative approach and explore your issue by identifying 2 states where there are significant differences. For example, for marriage equality, some states have chosen marriage, others have adopted civil unions, while still others have passed state laws or constitutional amendments which ban it all together.
Format: Your paper should be 5-6 pages typed double spaced, one inch margins in a 12pt font. It should include a title page and a bibliography (neither of which should be counted toward your 5-6 page total—those pages should be YOUR writing!). You should use a citation style that you are familiar with, APA, MLA etc. I am not particular as long as you are consistent.