Political science

    Paper instructions:
    Each week my TA asks questions about some

    articles and me and my classmates answer them. Our

    TA wants it to be a discussion so we need to respond /

    comment each others answers. So, my classmate

    replied one of my answers and asked me a question

    based on my answer. Now I need to write him back

    and reply his question which he asked in his response

    for my answer.

    Basically as it is written in the syllabus;

    (1) Participating in discussions is essential in order to

    successfully complete this course. Each week, I will

    post discussion questions based upon the material

    covered in that week’s module. The discussion

    questions can always be found in the Discussions tab

    on Blackboard. There will be multiple discussion

    questions for each Module; you are expected to

    answer TWO discussion questions per Module

    (2) Additionally, you are required to respond to

    TWO of your classmate’s discussion posts. This is in

    lieu of having discussions in class. You must respond to

    TWO classmate’s comments.

    (3) Lastly, you are expected to reply to at least

    ONE comment you receive in response to your original

    discussion post.

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