Political science

    Assignment Requirements


    I dont really know how to title what i need but i will explain it here… i am asked to write a letter to a quebec political minister. We watched a documentary in class in french subtitled in english and its called : After the Ballot. The professor asked us to write a letter to any minister of our choice .. the letter should include:
    1) an example from the movie on the following political subsystem actors: the state, society and the international system.
    2) explain the relationship between these 3 and how they interact.

    The usage of the movie for the relationships is optional, however stating the examples of each is required from the movie.
    a Minimum of 3 additional ACADEMIC resources are required which can be used to state the relationship and how they work together ( also can be used to state examples)
    it should be 5 pages long ( double spaced )excluding cover page and biblipgraphy
    lemme know if u have any more questions


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