Political Science

    Political Science
    Awareness of government officials and responsibilities in domestic conditions is vital in today’s
    society. The individuals that we place in office have a profound impact on current and future
    domestic and international issues. In this paper, students will analyze the electoral process in
    the United States. Here are the steps to follow to successfully complete this assignment:
    1. What is the “electorate”? How has the US Constitution impacted the make-up of the
    electorate and electoral participation? Historically, has the electorate included all individuals in
    our society? When has the government limited electoral participation? Provide at least 3
    examples of groups that were disfranchised and the circumstances surrounding that time.
    2. Do all states have the same requirements for voting? Currently, do the voter identification
    laws throughout the country have an impact on electoral participation? Are these laws the
    same throughout the country or are they different? What are the pros/cons of the voter
    identification laws? Do these laws hinder/help one or both major political parties? Globally,
    what is the status of voter identification laws (Do other countries have them? Do the countries
    that have them have higher or lower voting participation than the United States?)
    3. What factors influence the way that YOU select candidates for office (at least 3)? What role
    does money play in the electoral process? Do you think having electoral/voting participation is
    necessary in our democracy? How do you see electoral process changing in the future?


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