Poetry Journal

    Poetry Journal

    You are to keep a journal of your responses and analysis of certain poems, some assigned and some of your own choosing. You may even write a poem or two of your own! These journals will be used for group discussion and will be checked along the way to see that you are responding and thinking about the poems. The final copy is to be typed with the pages either clipped or stapled together—no binders, please.
    Journal Assignment #1
    Here are 12 poems with different perspectives on family: the love, the hurts, the hidden things within individuals in families.
    Dive in! Read any 8 of them. (You may find that you will want to read all 12!) Read more than once. Read aloud at least once.
    For the 8 that you choose, do the following:
    1. For each of the eight, write 2-3 adjectives which you feel describes the situation in each.
    2. Make a personal judgment call.
    A. Which one do you honestly like best?
    B. Which one the least?
    3. Write a paraphrase of 1 of the poems, (out of the 8)
    4. Choose 2 of the 8 and write a brief statement of their THEMES. What is the poet saying to you, the reader. (Why did he/she write this poem?)
    5. In the remaining poems look for examples of figurative language: similie, metaphor, personification, or vivid imagery. How does this kind of language contribute to the poem’s overall effect?
    6. Think of a friend or family member who might relate to one of these poems. What made you think of him/her? Would he/she be interested in reading the poem? How might they respond?
    Poems: “Those Winter Sundays” 491; “Alzheimer’s” 493; “To a Daughter Leaving Home” 515; “Marks” 567; “My Papa’s Waltz” 550; “To My Dear & Loving Husband” 471; “Death of a Young Son by Drowning” 500; “On My First Son” 445; “Elena” 702; “Mid-Term Break” 450; “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” 485; “Daystar” 514





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