PLSI 2


    The Issue: To research, and discover credible reliable information and be able to ascertain the truth and not be manipulated or persuaded without being educated. 

    Research: Research ALL the following sections. Please refer to the syllabus for all requirements, formats, and due date. 

    Analysis: Please research, site examples and analyze all sections by using multiple political sources from different political perspectives. The more thorough the research paper, the better chance of receiving a higher grade. 

    Section 1: DISCUSS forms of Government (Do not quote, or give definitions) 

    A. Communism B. Marxist

    C. Socialism D. Monarchy

    E. Republic  F.  Dictator

    G.  Totalitarianism H.  Tyranny

    I.  Anarchy

    Section 2: Historical Documents. Research and discuss federalist papers, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Limits, and Constitution. Include 1 -3 in your discussion 

    1. Date(s) of Document:

    2. Author(s) of Document: 

    3. What was the purpose, goal or intent?

    Section 3: Discuss federalism and give an example, maybe even a court case.

    Section 4: Finances/ Budget. Discuss the following.

    a. Federal Reserve 

    b. Free Market

    c. State and National Debt

    d. Government (Federal and State) Spending. 

    5. Discuss the following using factual information only:

    a. NDAA/Patriot Act/NSA

    b. Border Security/ Chain Migration/ Lottery

    c. DACA

    Conclusion: What have your learned completing this assignment? Discuss.


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