Planning for strategic adaptation is an important factor in individual success






    Planning for strategic adaptation is an important factor in individual success

    “Failing to plan is planning to fail” the common phrase applies to individuals who do not plan for their actions. An individual should be disciplined and competent in order to be successful. The first step is always the determinant of the future actions. The numerous changes brought about by technology cannot be confronted by an individual without a plan hence it will be impossible to succeed. A plan is a tool of control; it acts as a director towards success. For that reason, planning for strategic adaptation is an important determinant of individual success in environments requiring high levels of competence and discipline.

    The process involves making decisions and putting up measures for enhancing success against predictable changes in the environment. The decisions reflect the personality of the individual, where they are headed and the reasons behind their plan. Use of technology has enabled the individual become competent nowadays. With the adoption of technology in business, socializing and communication there is an increased need for strategic planning for the adaptation is long overdue. However, the user must be conversant to using it to advance their success. Individuals not conversant to the use of technology in the organization find it difficult to operate under dynamic environments.

    Use of technology has cut down costs and made communication and socializing affordable while increasing the level of efficiency. Planning for strategic adaptation is essential for people who desire to perform in dynamic environments. It would include examining the proficiency level with the required skills and making an effort towards acquiring the right skills in order to perform optimally even in changing situations.

    Planning education for strategic application is also a major key towards attaining success. The desire for improved production in the society and the changes in technology offer new challenges to people. Those caught in these situations are alert of the need to adapt consequently for them to be victorious. People need to acquire the right skills in their area of specialization in order to fit in the changing job market. Remarkably, technological advancements motivate individuals towards acquiring the relevant skills in the place of work and in the society. The government in general is responsible for ensuring strategic planning for adaptation on education. It ensures that people acquire education and the required skills. Examples, in Vietnam 4000 people were employed by Intel Company to fill the vacancies in their new factory leaving out other Asian countries. The reason was that the Asian country has strong education policies and programs (Vital 2008).

    Vietnam country prioritizes planning for educational structure hence creating and maintaining good academic foundations. The students are equipped with academic and practical knowledge, to help them in their future. Through the strategic plan the country has set up the students are able to conquer the job market because they are highly skilled. After the acquisition of these jobs, the Vietnamese employees are able to advance their life that is termed as individual success. Personal development comes from attaining the right skills and applying them in the workplace with the view of contributing to the organization goals. Acquiring education and skills places an individual in a situation where they can cope with future changes. A person adapted to change has more opportunities of being proficient and capable than the one not used to change. When capacity is developed in people, they become more competent efficient in their work. They succeed highly when empowered and free. Therefore planning for acquisition of relevant skills would double the chances of success.

    Strategic planning for adaptation cultivates the desired foresight and discipline required to be successful. Planning for counseling students boosts their success in school and in the work environment (Gysbers 2008). The students are able to see the connection between their class work and the actual career requirements in future. An example is shown in the book “individual student planning in the United States: rationale, practices and results. It shows entirely the connection between making a plan for the anticipated change in career and high probability of personal success. The students should be disciplined in their studies; this can be made possible by being able to manage time and resources. When students learn how to manage their time and resources well this increases their chances of succeeding in their future careers. An accurate plan of time and economical use of resources is defined as discipline that leads to an efficient strategic plan for the future.


    Planning is the process of identifying the direction one wants to head and the things one wants to achieve at a stipulated time. Planning for strategic adaptation in education provides a strong foundation for individual success since it enhances discipline. It is an important step for individual success in changing environments. Planning for adaptation cultivates important requirements of performance. By refining competence and discipline, planning for strategic adaptations enhances opportunity for individual success. Governments should be the major planners; it should plan strategically the education sector for adaptation to promote success among its citizen. They should offer strong educational foundations for the students.



    Gysbers, N. (2008). Individual Student Planning in the United States: Rationale, Practices, and Results. Asian Journal of Counseling, 15 (2); 117–139

    Vital Wave Consulting, (2008). Affordable Computing for Schools in Developing Countries. Retrieved May 13, 2011 from Virtual Wave Consulting website,



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