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    Attached is the rubric for the following paper, and examples of topics to give you an idea of what to write about. The book we used for this course is : Contemporary Urban Planning 10 edition by John M. Levy. 
    Reports must:
    1. Include an abstract (which does not count against the word total)
    2. Use correct spelling and grammar
    3. Include at least five referenced sources (not the text) with proper citations
    4. Summarize and integrate each source into your points
    5. Discuss the relevancy of each source to the topic
    6. Develop the student’s own conclusion regarding the topic based on evidence and
    arguments from the assembled articles.
    Planning Topic reports may not exceed six pages (about 1,500 words). The reports must be
    typed, 1 or 1.5 spaced, and conform to Chicago style manual, preferably the “author-date” style
     Report grades will be
    based on the following elements:
     Is the report on time? Did the student follow directions?
     Is the report grammatically sound? Can I understand what you wrote?
     Does the student demonstrate knowledge or understanding of the topic?
     Did the student integrate external sources into a nuanced exposition?
     Was a short presentation prepared and delivered?
    paper should discuss both sides of your topic, showing an understanding of what you are writing about. Arguments for it and against it. winners and losers. Your essays should provide practice for this type of paper.
    Please be sure to reread the requirements on the syllabus. Sources, citation style, etc. Following directions is the highest criteria being graded

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