Placement Proposal (Health Promotion): How the goals in the proposal are expressed and 2) the feasibility

    Teacher’s feedback:
    There are two key things which need consideration – 1) how the goals in the proposal are expressed and 2) the feasibility of doing what you have outlined in 10 days.
    Starting with 2) you have expressed a desire to undertake health education activities on a few topics and I think this is overly ambitious particularly since you intend to develop new materials. It would be better to have one main topic e.g. diabetes prevention, and to plan, implement and evaluate a few activities related to that. If needed develop one or two new materials / presentations but also seek out existing materials and use them if they are of good quality.
    Regarding 1) writing up your personal goals in this proposal needs to be focussed on your learning, not on the topic / disease. Please write up what you’d like to learn or practice (e.g. skills) in the first section and then in the 2nd section identify how you hope to do it.

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