Philosophy Paper

     Muslims in the Golden Age is the theme for the research project. You are required to prepare a minimum of 25-minute presentation on the life, work, and contributions of a Muslim scholar, scientist, poet, artist, etc. from the Golden Age of Islam (not contemporary scholars). You can choose any form of media for your presentation paper. A narrated paper has been the common form used in the past; however, the addition of voice-over is required. If you require assistance with the recording, please email instructors.

    This project should be completed individually. The objective of this project is to explore the Muslims’ contributions to the modern civilization.


    Format, Length and Style: The presentation must include:
    • Minimum of 3 page. Each of pages should be visually appealing, contain relevant content.
    • Narrate each page without reading the text line by line. Use the narration to explain and elaborate on what is presented on the pages
    • Correct spelling and grammar
    • APA citation and bibliography on a separate page 

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