Philosophy of the Human person

    Paper must include all 3 topics listed below


    1. What is the soul?

    2. The infinite openness of the human mind

    3. Human nature and social life

    All three topics are mandatory. You cannot choose only one or two.

    – This exam is comprehensive; make sure that you cover the whole material that we have read and discussed in class.

    – Please give all the data of a quotation (author, title, editor, year, and page)

    – The minimum of pages is 7-8. Do not write less than 7 pages. Do not use graphical tricks to make the paper seem long. Line: 1.5. Character: 12 pt.

    – Formulate arguments and counterarguments.

    – When formulating counterarguments, please make sure that you also answer them. Do not simply throw counterarguments into the text and then pass to another subject.

    – Give your own examples, not the ones given in class. Do not give examples from movies discussed in class (I will take off half letter if you do it: this exam is not a copy/paste of class notes! The final paper is supposed to make you work with your own mind.)

    – You do not need an elaborated introduction and an elaborated conclusion for each topic.- Please treat each question separately and indicate the question before answering it. Each question – 2 pages. However, all questions must be included in one paper, stapled (do not submit three different papers, one for each question).

    – In treating the topics, please combine more readings that are relevant to that topic: do not refer to just one reading. This exam is like a puzzle: you have to put together information from different texts in order to find the proper answer for one question.

    – Speak in the first person, but do not abuse the word I: find instead some elegant ways to convey your opinion: adjectives, adverbs. Ex: Plato’s idea is convincing; Aquinas’ theory bears some difficulties; Hobbes’ view of human nature is hard to accept.

    – Plato, Apology, 29d-42 (p. 34-44): Wisdom, excellence and death

    -Plato, Apology, 29d-42 (p. 34-44) “Unexamined life is not worth living” – movie discussion: Forrest Gump, Hannah and her sisters

    – Plato, RepublicCh. 3 – Fundamentals of inner politics (analogy city-soul) 368a-376c

    Plato, Republic Ch. 9 The supremacy of good (human condition) 508 c- 521 a (p. 235-248): analogy with the sun, analogy of the line, myth of the cave

    Plato, Republic Ch. 9, the myth of the cave. Movie discussion: Truman show, Adele H., Matrix

    Aristotle De anima, The nature of the soul p. 155-164

    Aristotle De anima, Sense-perception & Imagination p.189-200

    Aristotle, De anima, Intellect, p. 201-210

    St.AugustineConfessions Book One, Finding God in Oneself, p. 3-8

    Augustine, Confessions, Book One, Original sin, p. 8-9, p. 20-21

    Augustine, Confessions,  Book Ten, memory p. 195-to the end

    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa of the Summa, soul and body, p. 243-251, 252-260

    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa of the Summa, will p. 289-296

    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa of the Summa, free-will&predestination p. 297-300

      Movie discussion: Sliding doors on predestination

    St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa of the Summa,  evil p. 208-218

      Training: How to write a philosophical paper

      Hobbes, Leviathan

    Maritain, Christianity and Democracy (on Blackboard)human nature and politics

    Maritain,  Person and property

                Marx, Economic writings – on alienated labor

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