Philosophy of Education

    Plato’s account (focusing upon the Line and Cave, together with his plan for educational curriculum, and with his pedagogy demonstrated in the Meno), Aristotle’s Ethics, Locke’s Thoughts on Education (along with Alfie Kohn’s essay), Rousseau’s Emile, and finally, Dewey’s account (including his theory of experience, theory of social control, and his characterization of democracy). As you have studied these, you have no doubt found yourself admiring and agreeing with some ideas and pedagogical strategies, and being repelled and disagreeing (perhaps vehemently) with others. Each philosopher has made important points, and each has given us important insights from their respective theories of the learner, their social and political views, and their pedagogy. Drawing from all of this, how would you characterize your own philosophy of education at this point? – i.e., what figures in as most important to (a) your theory of the learner, (b) to your views on what is most relevant to education in our American social and political situation, and, (c) following from these two, what you think describes the best approach to your pedagogy? Summarize and explain your proposed philosophy of education.



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