Philosophy Final Paper

    For the purposes of our class the response paper is 5 pages. 


    What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:


    · Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see:, blog, book reviews)—note this is for preparation purposes only and is not to be turned in as part of your 5 pages.


    · Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240. 


    · Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)


    · Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book in a controversial fashion (the anomaly)


    · Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view (your judgment of the anomaly)


    · Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.


    · Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.


    · Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? What concrete cases occurring in the world today might be different if your judgment were to be adopted? * most important point. At least a page.

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