Philosophy…Augustine, etc

    Philosophy…Augustine, etc

    Answer these essential questions and put in essay form…it needs to “flow” If possible, tie them in together. This is the second essay writing service I am trying for this one..mainly becuase I have received decent essays from this site in the past. Do not just simply answer the questions…make it flow in a non-repetitive form.

    •What is meant by the term “Church fathers” in regard to influential philosophical thinkers of the 2nd through 6th centuries AD?
    •Who was Augustine? What distinction did he make between the City of God and the City of Man?
    •For Augustine, what was the relationship between faith in God (and revelation from God) and reason?
    •What is meant by “Christian apologetics” and how is that phrase sometimes misunderstood?
    •In his Confessions, what did Augustine “confess?” View this depiction of Augustine’s conversion to Christianity and speculate why Augustine felt the overpowering urge to admit his errors, in light of his beliefs on the relationship between grace from God and human free will.
    •How were some of Augustine’s ideas similar to, but different from, those of the Greek philosophers? What made humans unique of all creatures?
    •How did Origen’s ideas cast him as a heretic?
    •Who was Gregory the Great and in what way do you find him particularly philosophically controversial?
    •When was the period of “medieval philosophy?” Who was Anselm and how did his thinking mark a transition in medieval philosophy from what we think of today as theology toward what we think of as philosophy?
    •What was Anselm’s “ontological argument” for the existence of God?



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