Philosophical Understanding of Self-Examination

    In the Voices of Wisdom, some popular philosophers pose questions to the society which they end up answering again. Socrates is one personality widely acclaimed to have made several philosophical statements and expressed the heights of human nature and his relation with the immediate environment. When Socrates is asked whether he possess any specialized form of knowledge, he hesitates to give an answer but eventually retorts that “the unexamined life is not worth living”. This is a fact in respect of the lifespan of man and vulnerability to several socio-economic and political factors.
    It is worth to note that there is always the unique person in every individual. This explains the existing non-perfect similarity that can ever be part of man. As such the philosophers require that one examines himself/herself to realize our weaknesses and strengths. Mere dependency in what other people say is significant in regard to the degree by which it can address. Many people tend to think of names as a way of defining the nature of somebody. That may hold in political subjects but in this literature review, it is evident that critical consideration of the term self-examination. Names are just labels but the actual identity is in the character of an individual and the innate ability to do some activity or be overwhelmed by some issue.
    Self-denial or acceptance defines the course one’s success. This calls for creative and critical and critical thinking as a measure towards making justification touching on various social justices. It makes no sense to present one’s self who is not in a condition of madness to say something that are inconsistent personal assessment need not to be construed as a weakness out rather a prerequisite function of personal assessment.

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