Phase I Stabilization Program

    Phase I Stabilization Program

    Look over the OPT model, take the client you have chosen for assn. 1 and design a core and balance program following the guidelines provided by NASM. Your program must include a brief background of your client/athlete, a phase I stabilization (just warmup, core and balance) program, along with a detailed rationale of why you have chosen each one of your exercises based off your movement assessment from Assn. 1. You are to express detail in your program covering all acute variables such as sets, reps, tempo, and rest. Your submission should show the actual program in a chart form (OPT Template) and below your chart a detailed rationale in narrative form.
    Submission Instructions:
    Your writing component must meet all rules of APA formatting. This includes a title page, headers, page numbers, intext citations, and a reference list that follows the APA 6th edition format. Please note, this piece will be used or referenced for your final project.
    APA 6th Edition:
    Please note: Use the client that you assessed in week 2 as this will be a component needed for the development of your final project. This section you complete will be used when designing your final project.

    Please refer to the OPT template, this component of core/balance is an important section but not a lengthy section. Please use your text as well as the OPT template for guidance.
    Paper includes an analysis on the following elements:
    • A brief background of your client/athlete,
    • A phase I stabilization program
    • A detailed rationale of why you have chosen each one of your exercises and the phase for your athlete.
    • Express detail in your program covering all acute variables: sets, reps, tempo, rest.
    • Your submission should show the actual program in a chart form (OPT Template)
    • Detailed rationale in narrative form.
    • Write a minimum THREE page essay (excluding the title & reference page)

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