PEST analysis


    PEST looks at the external factors (macro) that affect the industry (not the individual company).


    The company for which I need this to provide financial monitoring service online in real-time to its customers. Which means, EB-5 investors can get alerted if the company they invested in is stealing from them, or if there are any other potential fraudulent transactions.


    I need this PEST analysis to be  very concise and fact-oriented . This is just a draft and will be built upon later by myself with filler words and backgrounds. So please  do not  add background of what an EB-5 investor is. Do not  write it like a scholarly article, this will be read by normal business people, so simple yet articulate paper would be ideal. Only  add website links to sources in footnotes. P, E, S, T. Then briefly (in 1-3 paragraphs), provide an explanation for each bullet point with 1- 3 sources (only website links). background of what an EB-5 investor is. 


    Some examples to consider:

    Consider the demographics of the current EB-5 investors (majority being chinese?), And how could the current or future political parties and their direction in the US (or the other country) affect this industry.majority being chinese?), and how might the current or future political parties and their direction in the US (or the other country) affect this industry.


    How could the interest rates, or currency fluctuations affect?


    How could the aging population or the growth in population, or any social trends affect?


    How could the growth of technology, perhaps improvement of AI, help?

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