Persuading audience members to take individual action to help remedy a social issue by donating time, money or other resources to a Non-profit organization Custom Essay

    Speech Assignment #3
    COM 101
    (Inducing Specific Individual Action)
    Rhetorical situation: For your final assignment, you will deliver a 7-9 minute speech aimed at persuading audience members to take individual action to help remedy a social issue by donating time, money or other resources to a Non-profit organization (charity) that

    deals directly with that social issue.

    Audience assumptions: Your fellow undergraduate classmates probably have limited resources, both in terms of time and money. They

    constantly are bombarded with messages asking them to help with worthy causes, many of which are completely legitimate. Why should they

    care most about your social issue and therefore help with your charity?

    Strategic Purpose: In this third speech, your goal is induce specific individual action through supporting a charitable/non-profit

    In developing your speech, you likely will use both informative and persuasive strategies, but ultimately your purpose is to persuade.

    To do this you must
    (1) clearly and compellingly identify the problem and how it affects the audience; (2) propose a specific individual “course of action”

    (eg., donating time and/or money to a specific charitable organization) that will best deal with that problem; (3) explain how that

    “course of action” will provide benefits and just how it will help to resolve the situation.

    Attention (Introduction) [Covers all the functions of the Introduction: (I) Attention device; (II) Thesis and purpose; (III) Preview

    statement to introduce main points]
    I. Need (Problem) (stated as complete declarative sentence)
    A. What aspects of the social need/problem must audience be aware of in order to feel motivated to
    individually act?
    II. Satisfaction (Solution) (stated as complete declarative sentence)
    A. What does the charitable organization do to help with the problem?
    B. What can the audience member do to help the charitable organization?
    III. Visualization (stated as complete declarative sentence)
    A. What are the benefits to “society”?
    B. How does the audience member benefit by donating?
    Action (conclusion) (stated as complete declarative sentence): (I) Signal the end, and briefly summarize; (II)Action step with urgency

    and reminding the audience to act; (III) artistic, memorable closure device
    At all times, you should constantly connect your topic, purpose, and proposal to the audience sitting in front of you. This in fact

    should be your first and foremost concern at every point in the process of narrowing your topic, conducting research, deciding what

    (and what not) to include, and how you will identify with the audience.
    Weight: 25% of final grade
    This assignment will aid in reaching the following course goals:
    This assignment will aid students in (1) understanding the theoretical principles of effective, ethical public speaking; (2) applying

    these principles strategically to specific speaking situations and audiences to develop effective, ethical speeches; and (3) applying

    appropriate information literacy and critical thinking skills to the development and analysis of specific public speaking responses.
    Topics Due:
    Monday/Wednesday sections: Wednesday, November 13 Tuesday/Thursday sections: Tuesday, November 12

    Source Requirements and Penalties
    · Students must use a minimum number of five (5) published sources. Three of
    these sources must be available through the UNLV library. Be sure that there are an adequate number of sources before you submit the

    topic for approval. All sources must be utilized in your preparation outline, bibliography, AND speech (oral citations).
    · In meeting these minimum source requirements, students are allowed two non- library sources.
    · All sources must be published since January 2010.
    · If continuing with the same topic as Speech #2, students may (if they choose) use
    no more than two of the sources used in Speech #2.
    · If students choose to incorporate additional sources beyond the minimum
    requirements, those sources must come from the UNLV library. Additional
    sources may be older than 2010.
    · Students will also turn in an annotated bibliography. For each source, the students
    will provide a paragraph annotation addressing the authority of the article and
    · Students are prohibited from using any “Wiki” site,, and and will receive a failing grade (50%) on the speech assignment
    should they do so.
    · Additionally, although encouraged, dictionaries, atlases and unpublished
    interviews do not count toward the minimum number of sources.
    · Bibliographies and in text citations should be in the AP A format. See the Purdue
    OWL (linked below) if you need help with formatting. ??
    Preparation Outlines Due:
    Monday/Wednesday sections: Monday, November 25
    Tuesday/Thursday sections: Thursday, November 21

    Visual Aids
    · Students are required to use visual aids. Videos will not be allowed. Since it is
    the standard professional medium for visual support, all students must use Powerpoint. Students must use at least four (4) separate

    PowerPoint images. To be fully effective (and earn full points), each image must visually contribute to the speech more effectively

    than merely words can accomplish. Moreover, they should “support” your verbal message and not simply “replace it.” Finally, there

    should be no more than seven (7) slides in this presentation.

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