Personality Analysis

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    Personality Analysis
    ENTJ Analysis and its Effects on Organizational Behavior
    1. Abstract (150 ? 250 words)
    2. Introduction
    3. Step 1 – ENTJ Defined
    1. Extraverted (E)
    2. Intuitive (N)
    3. Thinking (T)
    4. Judging (J)

    4. Step 2
    5. Use Type Talk at Work Book: How the 16 Personality Types Determine Your Success on the Job by Kroeger, Thuesen, and Rutledge, 2002. ISBN-13978-0-440-50928-8 to answer the following questions:
    1. In general what have you learned about organizational behavior from these personality tests that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and manager?
    2. In particular, what have you learned about yourself that from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and manager?
    Project instruction

    1. Write a four-page research paper on the ENTJ Meyer-Briggs personality test online.
    2. Include a separate section for each letter of your personality type as well as a section for discussing how all of the different aspects of your personality (represented by the letters) work together.
    ? You should have separate sub-headings for each section.
    ? Give specific examples from your life?especially your work life?and discuss the weaknesses of your personality type as well.

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