Personal Statement for Sustainability Management Graduate Program

    Personal Statement for Sustainability Management Graduate Program

    Personal statement

    Language style

    US English

    Type of service

    Admission Services

    Academic level




    Paper format


    Line spacing


    Topic Core organisational capabilities

    Assignment Details:


    In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:


    ·         Using the VRIO criteria, evaluate whether the key strategic capabilities and resources of the organisation you work for (or one with which you are familiar) are distinct. Then, critically examine the strategic analysis approach you would recommend for identifying how to use these capabilities and resources as means to contribute to the organisation’s competitive advantage and/or superior performance. Be sure to include specific references to the Learning Resources and prior experiences in your response.


    ·         In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:


    Ø  What are the key strategic capabilities and internal resources of your organisation (or one with which you are familiar)?

    Ø  What strategies would you employ as a manager to make use of the strategic capabilities and resources available?

    Ø  How can managers ensure the successful development and management of strategic capabilities for organisations?

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