Personal Reflection Option

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    For me this course has reinforced the ethical responsibilities of a moral leader. A leader must care about and demonstrate concern for employees if optimal organizational productivity is to be achieved (Bassey&Tapang, 2012). Additionally, organizations have a social responsibility to the societies and countries with which they do business (Brammer, Jackson, &Mattens, 2012). And there will be a time when doing what is just, the public good may outweigh individual need (Nickolsen, 2013).
    Furthermore, a leader can maximize message delivery through ones oratorical skills and storytelling. Story is an important tool to articulate how a leader’s personal experiences and feelings are interconnected with those of employees and others (Cameron, 2012). Storytelling is a way to allow others to connect with the leader as a fellow human being that has faced and overcome similar life challenges in the achievement of positive results (Harris & Barnes, 2005).
    Best wishes and thank you all for a thought provoking quarter.
    Bassey, E. B. &Tapang, A. T. (2011). Capitalized human resources cost and its influence on corporate productivity: A study of selected companies in Nigeria. International Journal of Financial Research, 3(2): 48-59. doi. 10.5430/ijfr.v3n2p48
    Brammer, S., Jackson, G., &Mattens, D. (2012). Corporate social responsibility and institutional theory: New perspectives on private governance. Socio-Economic Review, 10: 3-28. doi: 10.1093/ser/mwr030
    Cameron, E. (2012). New geographies of story and storytelling. Progress in Human Geography, 36, 573-592. doi: 10.1177/0309132511435000
    Harris, J. & Barnes. B. K. (2005). Story telling: How to get people to connect with you. Leadership Excellence, 22(4): 7-8. Retrieved from International Leadership Association:
    Nicholson, N. (2013). The invention of leadership. Business Strategy Review, 2, 15-29. Retrieved from
    November 16, 2013 11:27:18 AM EST1 day ago
    Access the profile card for user: Wittney Jones Wittney Jones Email Author RE: Intial Post – JonesW
    WK12Disc2JonesWNovember 16, 2013
    Wittney Jones
    The purpose of this discussion is to provide my personal leadership reflections regarding the new ideas and perspectives learned in this course and how they can help me as I move forward. The ideas presented in this course were very interesting to me and this course has been, by far, one of my most favorite courses to date. The discussions each week were very stimulating intellectually which enabled me to glean knowledge from those that have gone before me. I also really enjoyed the projects, one being a local leader and the other being national. These two women’s transformational leadership stories presented life lessons in leadership that I will take with me as I move forward; they were extremely influential for my leadership style. And though scholarly, this course presented a more relaxed atmosphere, which made the required work more enjoyable.
    I really enjoyed learning about storytelling (Simmons, 2006). This was a concept new to me but one I quickly came to realize that I use on a daily basis. Story, as a powerful tool of influence, can be used very effectively in leadership if you know what your story is, why you are telling it, and you can connect with those you are telling it to (Simmons, 2006). Though I do struggle with if I am telling the right story at the right time and how to change course if I am not connecting with those hearing my story, I know that with continued focus and practice, this can be overcome.
    I also appreciated studying the text by Hansen (2003). I had never studied MLK’s I Have a Dream speech (Hansen, 2003), nor had I ever studied MLK, for that matter, that I remember. I will take away from this the importance of having set pieces readily available to draw on if the need be there, as well as having a better understanding that while preparation is vital, sometimes one must deviate from their plan – it can influence history (Hansen, 2003). I also enjoyed reviewing other well-known speeches and analyzing them as effective and influential.
    While I appreciated Clawson’s (2012) level-three leadership theory, it was not one I favored. I found this text not as easily understood as other theory textbooks. The concepts of resonance and flow were new to me, as well as memes, and I realized I experience resonance and flow when I teach, which grounded these concepts for me (Clawson, 2012). I also now understand that connecting with people’s VABEs is essential to effective leadership, and though this idea has been presented by other authors, Clawson presented this information in a new way, synthesizing previous readings. I also particularly liked the study of the Machiavellian style of leadership and how applicable it is today. This information was very interesting to me and while I see that some parts of it are usable today, it is an area I feel one must tread lightly in to avoid abusing those that are your followers.
    Clawson, J. G. (2012). Level three leadership: Getting below the surface (5thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
    Hansen, D. D. (2003). The dream: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the speech that inspired a nation. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
    Simmons, A. (2006). The story factor: Inspiration, influence and persuasion through the art of storytelling. Cambridge, MA: Perseus.
    November 16, 2013 5:44:50 PM EST1 day ago
    Access the profile card for user: Laura Dickson Laura Dickson Email Author
    RE: Discussion 2 – Week 12
    Self-Reflection Option:Review of information learned
    Through this course, I was confronted with a new tool for leadership-storytelling. Admittedly, this tool is out of my comfort zone. It is something that I would like to become skilled at incorporating into my work, although I am fearful that it would be a struggle. I know that other leaders such as Zig Zigfield relied on masterful storytelling to convey messages, inspire others, and serve as catalysts for introspection (Simmons, 2006). I plan to study the work of Mr. Zigfield and others in my quest to utilize storytelling effectively in my leadership style.
    In addition to the introduction to storytelling as a leadership device, this course served as a reminder of techniques and skills that I had convinced myself I was too busy to implement. As an employee of my state’s government, my schedule is often erased by fires created by legislators and advocates. I find it a challenge to remain committed to the habits of leadership study and relationship building when most days I don’t have time to consider lunch until 4:00. The hectic pace of my work environment has offered challenges to the leadership principles that I know to employ and wish I could engage in more often. This issue is common among people in my position, and Clawson’s (2012) description of the language of leadership was inspiring to continue to strive towards effective leadership; particularly the section on respect and seeking first to understand. I often find that when I am swamped, my focus is to be understood first. While I still haven’t figured out how to accomplish everything in my schedule regularly, I was able to seize small opportunities for relationship building here and there.
    I enjoyed the course readings and the lessons they provided. At times they provided new information, at times they held a mirror to my leadership practices, and at times they served as affirmations to the struggles leadership can bring. I know that I have benefitted from this course, and have rededicated myself to effective leadership as a result.
    Clawson, J. G. (2012). Level three leadership: Getting below the surface (5th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
    Simmons, A. (2006). The story factor. Cambridge, MA: Purseus Books Group.
    November 17, 2013 9:38:07 PM EST10 hours ago
    Access the profile card for user: Noel Hike Noel Hike Email Author RE: Discussion 2 – Week 12
    Personal leadership reflections.
    Leadership classes are an excellent venue to learn new concepts and strengthen old principles. We were first introduced to Clawson’s Level Three Leadership. Of particular interest were the levels of human behavior with relationship to values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations (VABEs). Level one is visible behavior, level two is conscious thought, and level three is VABEs (Clawson, 2012, p. 26). I was particularly interested in level three, the “gray area” (Clawson, p. 30). Clawson states it correctly, “strong leadership begins with self-leadership” which is knowing and recognizing oneself (p. 31). In essence the leader is in action managing energy.
    Simmons is an interesting reading. Story-telling I argue is done every day of our lives. I have tried story-telling a couple of times at work but only when I wanted to motivate some aspect of our outreach to our surviving Special Operations survivors. Most of the time my staff and others within the foundation ask of me from time-to-time to describe my experiences during my deployments, especially Afghanistan. I usually respond that something’s are better left unsaid, meaning I rather be assisting our surviving families for whom we have dedicated our work because of my experiences.
    Hansen I found to be a great story about a great man that orated a great speech. Being a student of history I was completely intrigued concerning MLK’s march and speech in Washington. What I did learn is how the Kennedy administration collaborated with the civil rights organizers. Again, I also agree with his insistence of non-violence again due to my military experiences.
    Finally…Professor Matarelli and APA…Need I say more? I am a better scholar because of his feedback!!!
    To all my classmates, I have enjoyed my interactions during this course. Please take care and God Bless!
    Clawson, J.G. (2012). Level three leadership. Getting below the surface (5th ed.). Upper Saddle
    River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
    Hansen, D. D. (2003). The dream: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the speech that inspired a
    nation. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
    Simmons, A. (2006). The story factor. Inspiration, influence and persuasion through the art of
    storytelling. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Book Groups.
    Wk 12 Reflection.docx (14.634 KB)

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