Personal Area Network (PAN)

    Personal Area Network (PAN)
    Please read first and then respond to their questions in a simple paragraph to each one of the peoples bellow (separate) #1 through #4 on if you agree on the topic and what is your point of view and recommendations.
    SUBSTANTIVE 1 full paragraph on each of the responses (separately)
    Your responses should –
    • Greet a specific student or a group of fellow students by name.
    • Briefly remind us of what he, she, or they said with a very short summary of the idea they presented.
    • Include detail from our text and common reading as evidence for what you have to say (Remember that others will need to draw on our readings, too, so only use just enough information from our readings to make your point clearly).
    • Add new information to the conversation (we don’t want to be reading the same thing over and over).
    • Use class vocabulary [either common or technical vocabulary or both].
    • Clearly identify the source of information and evidence that you do use.
    • Be free of major grammatical errors and very coherent (easily and quickly understood and without contradictions).
    Discussion Title: Network design is a key business decision as well as a technology decision. Explain why.
    #1. Sheena
    There are four different types of networks:
    • Personal Area Network (PAN): devices are no more than 33 feet apart
    • Local Area Network (LAN): devices can be spread out but typically in the same building
    • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): can cover multiple locations in a single geographic area
    • Wide Area Network (WAN): can connect devices to form a large network that spans cities or even countries
    When businesses are deciding on the type of network to design they need to consider their future plans for growth. If they anticipate expanding their business they shouldn’t choose PAN or LAN network designs since the business would likely incur additional expenses to update their networks as their businesses expand.
    If it’s a small company that has no intention of expanding beyond one location they shouldn’t invest in MAN or a WAN. It wouldn’t make sense for them to build out a network with that type of capacity when a PAN or LAN would suffice.
    #2. G lyons,
    A properly functioning network is one of the most critical elements of a business’ operation. Its design needs to incorporate every function of business and allow for expansion. An improperly designed network can leave the business unprotected or provided limited productivity in areas where fuller access and integration was needed. The network supports critical lines of business which if negatively affected can result in lost revenues, decreased productivity, or even poor customer service.
    Proper network design can provide security but also facilitate operations by allowing ease of file sharing, resource sharing, and access to specialized equipment. Creating limited local area networks can even provide internal levels of security to prevent inadvertent corruption of data or purposeful security breaches.
    Discussion Title:
    Security is not simply a technology issue, it is also a business issue. Discuss the implications of this statement
    #3. Shawn
    Security is highly influenced by company culture. A company that is lax with information and privacy in general will have higher security risk. Additional security is not just about computer security. Physical security is important to consider.
    As an example my own organization requires badges to access buildings. Most larger buildings have a receptionist which also acts as a security guard. Cameras deter illegal activity from occurring. Policies are regularly conveyed which describe expectations towards limiting building access. Dual control is required for accessing things such as vaults. Cell phone use is also restricted. All of these actions are designed to provide a sense of security that includes and goes beyond just looking at IT.
    The importance of physical security can further be expressed by Rouse (2005) "Physical security is often overlooked (and its importance underestimated) in favor of more technical and dramatic issues such as hacking, viruses, Trojans, and spyware. However, breaches of physical security can be carried out with little or no technical knowledge on the part of an attacker. Moreover, accidents and natural disasters are a part of everyday life, and in the long term, are inevitable."
    Rouse, Margaret (2005) physical security
    #4. Williams,
    When you go into a bank do they leave the safe wide open? Security is no less important for other businesses and a breach or failure of their information systems could spell financial ruin for the company. "One study estimated that when the security of a large firm is compromised, the company loses approximately 2.1 percent of its market value within two days of the security break." That alone should convince companies that it needs to take IS security seriously.

    In the age where everything is becoming digitalized, data and information are subject to many more threats than when physical documents were housed in a secure location. When information is attached to a network or the internet its accessible by a much larger population. Companies need to invest in security in order keep their networks running and secure.

    If consumers lose faith in a company to keep its data and information safe then it is doomed. If you remember when Jeff Wilkins spoke during class he noted several times that his clients would constantly ask who has access to their information. While there are no reinforced steel safe doors on the internet, companies need to protect their assets with something much stronger.

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