Performance evaluations are important tools for managing performance. However, they can also easily be mismanaged by supervisors and employees alike. The situation becomes more combustible when employees first do a self-evaluation followed by a formal evaluation from the supervisor.

    Co. Sigma Inc. gives employees annual evaluations. The manager can rate each employee as Exceeds Expectations (EE), Meets Expectations (ME), Partially Meets Expectations (PE), or Horrible Employee (HE). Employee Bill turns in his self-evaluation and has himself as an EE in all 10-performance categories. Supervisor Mary reviews the self-evaluation and is troubled. She believes he is an EE in 2 categories, but is an ME in 6 categories, a PE in 1 category, and an HE in 1 category. She wonders how such a disconnect could exist between how he views himself and reality.

    a) What do you think could have caused this disconnect?
    b) How should she go about remedying this situation?

    2. Explain the elements of the claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress. Quote the actual elements of the claim and cite your source. Try to use the “best” source for your citation. (The textbook is not the best source.) Add a follow-up sentence(s) in which you explain what one of the elements means in practical terms. Summarize a case in which that claim was charged. What was the result? (Use the textbook and/or the Internet to help you find additional information and a case.) Cite your sources

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