Performance Analysis: case analysis of Why DineEquity’s CEO Julia Stewart Manages Like a Teacher here.

    Please submit your case analysis of Why DineEquity’s CEO Julia Stewart Manages Like a Teacher here.

    After you have read pages 262 and 263, please answer the following questions:
    1. What elements of the performance management cycle< in Figure 9-1 (p. 239) are evident in Stewart's comments? 2. Is Julia Stewart a good role model for how to generate employee engagement and motivate the employees in her company's restaurants? Please explain. 3. In terms of Thomas's four building blocks in Figure 9-3 (p. 252), how would you rate Stewart's "teaching" style of management for generating intrinsic motivation in her employees? Please explain. 4. What role does positive reinforcement play in this case? Do you think Stewart uses it effectively? Please explain. 5. Would you like to work as a restaurant manager for DineEquity under Stewart's leadership? Why or why not? Please note these questions should be the foundation for some additional research. Please make sure to define the terms in your responses and apply an organization of your choice or a hypothetical one that will help show your own understanding. I have highlighted specifics for each question that must be addressed. Please feel free to do some outside research on the specific Organizational Behavior concepts that you find in this case.

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