People that have a busy life may obtain an accredited degree.

    Online education has made it possible for people wanting to obtain degrees from accredited university or college that they otherwise would not have time or finances to attend a traditional college; it is so very convenient for a person that never has enough time in the day; plus the education is just as trustworthy as if you were going to a traditional college.

    Support for Thesis 1

    Topic Sentence: People that have a busy life may obtain an accredited degree.

    Detail A: You will not have to drive to a campus; you can study from home; it is a true time saver!

    Detail B: You will have more time to be with your family.

    Detail C: You will not have to stop or cut back on working.

    Support for Thesis 2

    Topic Sentence: Gaining your degree online is cheaper than a traditional university.


    Detail A: There will be no need to pay for a dorm room or for meals.

    Detail B: There will be no need to buy big bulky textbooks; the use of E-books is in now (at most universities).

    Detail C: It will cut down on extra childcare.

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