People of Puerto Rican Heritage: Instead of focusing on the differences, list out the strengths and familiarities that you recognize Custom Essay

    A) Answer ALL questions. Make sure you use complete sentences or you may type out each question and respond. In addition, make sure your responses are numbered and labeled.

    Choose 2 cultures from the list of provided readings below:
    To the writer: I choose Cuban and Puerto Rican Heritage
    My native culture is Cuban . Thanks
    -Chapter 11: People of Cuban Heritage

    -Chapter 23: People of Puerto Rican Heritage

    Your choice from the chapter reading above may be cultures that you currently have families related to, may be your own culture, or may be cultures that you don’t know much about and are interested in learning more.

    1) Compare and contrast 2 of these cultures. Instead of focusing on the differences, list out the strengths and familiarities that you recognize.

    2) As a future Healthcare Administrator, how can you use the strengths and familiarities while working with these cultures?

    3) In building connections, what would you find most helpful with these cultural groups?

    4) What are some of the challenges that you would need to overcome if you worked with these cultural families?
    5) References and or citations are required. You may reference/cite the course required textbook and or other sources following APA format.

    Discussion Board Grading Criteria:
    Thoroughly answered the question(s): 50 points are possible. A thorough answer will consist of complete sentences, and will address the question while drawing from the text or other credible source. A post that only has one-two sentences is not thorough and does not earn 50 points. Original post to the discussion question must be posted by Sunday 11:59pm(est) of each week.
    Correct APA formatted references: 10 points are possible. Please use your text (when it applies to a discussion) or any other credible reference to support your answers, and be sure to cite your sources correctly, following APA guidelines.

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