people in the middle east

    people in the middle east
    Answer 3 out of the 5 questions below.Your answer should be at least 250 words for each answer. Be specific with your response and please use quotes and page numbers. Due date is June 19 via email.
    1. In chapter 1 of Lisa Wedeen’sAmbiguities of Domination, we learn how Syrians confront propaganda of the state. What does Lisa Wedeen say about this? How does she continue this argument in Chapter 4? Choose one example of artistic expression from Chapter 4 that underlines Wedeen’s argument and why? In your response show your knowledge of the Baath party of Syria.
    2. Go to website: You must watch these videos and do some research on the current conditions of Syrian refugees. Then, show your knowledge in describing the refugee status for Syrians in different countries and connect it to the plight of Selim and his family.


    3. Watch Flood in Baath Country is last film by Syrian Director Omar Amirallay. In the 1970s, the Syrian documentary maker Omar Amiralay was a great champion of modernization in his country. He devoted his first film to the construction of the Tabqa dam spanning the Euphrates, a dam that was the pride and joy of the country’s ruling Baath party. Now, however, he regrets his uncritical stance. In this film, Amiralay returns to the region and its village of el-Machi near Lake Assad, where he examines the impact of 40 years of Baath rule. What does he discover? Be specific in your response especially with exact scenes. What impressions does the film create?


    4. Go to I want to you to document 10 videos you watch from one city of the Syrian revolution. I would choose Daraa for example. Use the search system to watch film from March 2011 to today. You must just write the video, time and date, and what the video represents.
    Ending of nonfiction books are never an easy task. Look again at Samar Yazbeck’sWoman in the Crossfire. How does she end her work? Do you think this is apt? Then read a current article of Yazbeck in the Guardian? How has her tone changed or stayed the same? This is one article I had in mind.


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