Peer Review Activities

    Peer Review Activities
    The student will review each section of a peers plan and provide adequate and constructive feedback. Each student will submit by posting in the Moodle forum each section of the plan on the assigned due date as a Word or Excel attachment (file name- your initials and the section name). Peer review will consist of opening your peers file and inserting comments using the Comment Tool in Word/Excel changing the file name (add your initials and the word Review before the original file name) and posting as a reply by the due date. Students will work in groups throughout the term providing support suggestions and comments to their peer.
    Here is a link it tells you what exactly you need to do:

    I attached two students files one is a sample: (staneks sound target market industry analysis competitive analysis_REVIEW_MWB Sample) and the other one is the one you should work on:
    (BellMichael_BA499_Industry Analysis_TargetMarket_Competition_7-9-2017.docx). you might need to use my initials: NA.
    This assignment need to be done by 11 July Time 10:00 PM

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