Pediatric Asthma and ultrafine particles

    Previous research paper done but got stuck at the results part because I do not know how to use spss. The focus of this paper is to get presentable results and a great discussion section. This paper is on how particles from the well affect children that live around those areas in summary. When i initially started the paper I believed i would be able to create a paper survey asking the parents of the children about their symptoms, regular visits to ER & noticeable changes in overall health. I also thought i would be able to retrieve data from the health dept which didn’t work out. Attached is the raw data of concentration of particles of each well that i sampled. The location of the wells are in column C as well as long and latitude. The average of the concentration of ultrafine particles is in column U. These wells are located in West Virginia. I would like the results to talk about how the concentrations vary. There was also a freshwater impoundment that didn’t have any activity going on so the conc of particles are low in comparison to other active wells. Then I would like to conclude by suggesting future research ideas for the future researcher on the topic stating using the surveys, health data and samples of conc one should be able to get accurate data on how ultra fine particles affect pediatric asthma. I paid for 10 pages and i would like it to be districted as thus. 2 pages for data analysis. 5 pages for results and discussion ( with tables and graphs). 2 pages added to my methodology (surveys) and the last page to add to the overall quality of the paper.

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