Patient Safety Goals

    Patient Safety Goal Paper


    Explain the role of the Joint Commission’s commitment to health care organizations

    Identify two (2) Patient Safety Goals (PSG) in Nursing, Long-Term-Care or Acute Care.

    Describe how the Patient Safety goals are being implemented.

    Discuss the benefits of attaining Patient Safety Goals for the patient, the family, the staff, and the community

    This written paper is worth 15% of your final grade. The assignment is to be written in a scholarly manner; APA format, grammatically correct and with correct spelling. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the National Patient Safety Goals.

    Patient safety is a priority in health care. Experts in healthcare have known about patient safety problems in the healthcare system for many years. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report “To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System” in the 1990’s, to create 98,000 patients die from medical mistakes each year. Nurses have a significant role in making care safe. They are and indispensable part of the multidisciplinary teams that are finding innovative solutions to improve safety and benefit patients.

    Please submit your paper in APA format. The paper will be 3-4 pages in length, typed, doubled spaced, excluding the reference page and title page, have one (1) inch margins, 12 font and must have a title page and a reference page. The paper must adhere to the following guidelines:

    Title Page (separate page)

    Title of your paper

    Your Name


    Name of Course




    All sources used in the paper must be referenced

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