Part I: Project Status Report


    Part I: Project Status Report
    Using a template that will be provided on BB, prepare a (one page) written response to the
    following questions and post the assignment on the discussion board in the space marked “Project Status Report”:

    1. Period covered
    2. Tasks completed
    3. Issues encountered
    4. Variance analysis (what planned steps did not work as anticipated)
    5. Future tasks / next steps
    Part II: Project Report
    You should summarize the project and your results in a paper strictly following APA formattingrequirements, approximately 25 pages — double-spaced. The report must include the followinginformation, along with sections marked as headers within your report:
    1. Project Goals and Impact: Provide the initial goals for your project from the project
    plan. Indicate what results/impact of your project. Be specific. Discuss why any
    initial goals were not achieved.

    2. Leadership Development: What leadership and other skills did you obtain by
    completing this project? What further questions and/or learning goals have you
    identified for the development of your personal leadership model? How do you
    currently plan to address these learning needs?

    3. Research: What literature was relevant to understanding the needs of the
    organization and your choice of intervention strategies? What model(s) did you use
    from assigned readings in the degree program and from your own research for your

    4. Project Composition: In this section, please provide the details of the actions you
    took in completing the project for each week. Highlight the actions you took as a
    leader and what you learned about leadership by taking those actions.

    5. Involvement: Although you are responsible for the project, you may recruit others to
    advise you. It is important, however, that the project reflect strong evidence of your
    leadership effort and ability to plan and achieve what you set out to do.

    6. Final Reflections: Reflect on your learning and leadership development throughout
    both the program and your project:
    • How has this project and the program either challenged or supported your
    previous views of leadership? What have been your key learnings?
    • How is your personal model of leadership evolving?
    • What actions do you plan to take to continue your own leadership
    development after the class is complete?

    7. Bibliography: The report must conclude with a reference page listing all sources
    relied on in preparing your report, and using APA format.




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