Part 1 (DE100 project report) Word limit:250 words Part 2 Part 2 (reflective component)

    Part 1 (DE100 project report) Word limit:250 words Part 2 Part 2 (reflective component)

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    Please see TMA 04 on my study page
    Part 1 (DE100 project report) Word limit:250 words
    Carry out a chi-square analysis of the data provided by the DE100 module team and write the Results section for your DE100 project report based on that analysis. As this is a formative assignment, no marks will be awarded for this part, but you will receive feedback from your tutor. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to check you have understood how to conduct an inferential statistics test, and how to report the results. It is important that you complete this activity because in TMA 05 you will be required (among other things) to discuss these results
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    Part 2 Part 2 (reflective component) Word limit: 100 words.
    Reflect on the usefulness in the workplace of the numerical skills which you have developed or consolidated through the study of DE100 (referring to current, previous or future employment). As this is a formative assignment, you will receive feedback from your tutor but there is no penalty for not completing this part.
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