Paper writing Assignment


    Write a survey paper on the topic:


    REQUIREMENTS; 1.Page size range is from 9 to 12 with double columns Times new roman font (font size 10-12, single line spacing) A template will be given in the D2L 

    2. Need at least 30 to 40 references (From IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer papers) 

    3. Do not copy and paste, write in your own words (Paraphrase) and cite with references

     4. Try to follow given paper writing style (You will be given a sample paper template to follow)- It’s just a sample paper to follow the template (note that it doesn’t refer to the same topic)

     5. Paper Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion and References 

    6. Paper will be checked for plagiarism or similarity through Turnitin plagiarism checker. Similarity should not be more than 15%. 

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