Paper instructions: For this essay, you must choose one of following topics and submit your response via the Assignment Dropbox.

    Paper instructions:
    For this essay, you must choose one of following topics and submit your response via the Assignment Dropbox.


    You do not have to use external sources for this essay (the book chapters and the corresponding power point presentations should be sufficient).

    1.Define the part of theology that is technically known as theodicy. Pick an example of extraordinary evil in the world and present it briefly. Use your example to explain the relevance of the problem of theodicy. Why is theodicy said to be more central to monotheistic religions than to other forms of religion?


    2.What role does salvation play in religion, both for the individual and the whole community? Give an example of how an individual can perceive salvation and explain the ways he/she follows in order to attain it (for example, you can explain how a Buddhist perceives nirvana and seeks to achieve it by following the way of meditation).
    •Your essay should be 750-900 words, double spaced, using Times New Roman, size 12 font.
    •It is not necessary to use outside sources or provide a works cited page. However, if you quote something directly from the course material, you must use quotation marks and provide in-text citations (MLA style). Also, if you decide to use outside sources, you must fully cite them.


    •Since this is a formal paper, you must present a structured essay with an introduction, main body, and a conclusion. Do not use contractions.
    •Read the essay prompt carefully and make sure that you are addressing the correct concepts and classifications.


    Below is a list of the most common issues preventing students from earning an A.


    •Lack of structure/organization: Since this is a formal paper, you must present a structured essay with an introduction, main body, and a conclusion (several essays were missing a conclusion)
    •Missing information:


    Read the essay prompt carefully and make sure that you are addressing the correct concepts and classifications.
    •Less than the required length: Your essay should be at least 750 words (excluding the heading, works cited, or any additional text).
    •Grammar: Proofread your essay before submission. Do not use contractions.
    •Format: This does not impact your grade significantly, but you should always use the format required by your instructor, in this case MLA. If you use direct quotes or decide to use an outside source, you must cite properly (in-text citations).


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