paper 44

    Assignment 1: Biology Article
    Due Week 5 and worth 120 points
    Use the Internet to research aspects of biology.
    Select an article from a magazine or newspaper that has something in it that pertains to biology. This will serve as the target article for this assignment. For instance you can select an article about medicine invasive species nature conservation genetic technology ecology or any other topic that is related to biology. One purpose of this assignment is to help you become aware of how biology is related to your everyday life.
    Write a one to three (1-3) page paper in which you:
    In addition to the target article you should use at least one additional resource such as your textbook or another article. You must have a reference section which contains an APA reference to your chosen article and all other sources. Additionally you must provide in-text citations (in APA format) to your references in the body of the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting paraphrasing and summarizing along with your in-text citations

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