Paper 180

    Directions for Paper 2
    Your paper must be a minimum of four (4) pages in length (not including the reference page) 12 point Times New Roman font or 11 point Calibri 1.5 or double spaced lines spellchecked carefully edited with approximately one-inch margins and page numbers. Include title name and date
    Upload in a Word (.doc .docx) file to Canvas before the specified due date and time.
    The textbook material is sufficient; however you may include research from other sources with proper citations and a references page. If you include references APA style is preferred.
    There is a posted grading rubric for this paper along with a grading rubric for peer reviews and editing.
    Topic Requirements:
    1) Describe the overall classification of ethical theories.
    2) Describe the following ethical theories and theories of justice covered in the course so far.
    Kantian Ethics
    Virtue Ethics
    Natural Rights
    Aristotles Distributive Justice
    Rawls Theory of Justice
    Nozicks Entitlement Theory
    3) Describe the commonalities and differences between the theories.
    4) Use discussion and examples to show the advantages disadvantages and difficulties in applying the theories.
    Uploading your files to Canvas
    Start the filename with your last name
    Then add rev of
    Then add the last name of the paper writer
    Example: Jones rev of Smith
    Start the filename with your last name
    Then add Paper #

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