Select a packaged good of your choice. Evaluate the package of your chosen product in regard to the 10 major functions of packaging presented in class. I have posted a course document title "Packaging Functions" which you may refer to in your evaluation.


    PACKAGING FUNCTIONS: Packaging enhances brand equity through the following functions:
    1. Product Protection: protecting product contents from damage such as breakage, leakage, spoilage, etc.

    2. Attention: getting the attention of consumers who are in busy shopping environments

    3. Differentiation: having distinctive design features which positively differentiate the brand from competition.

    4. Target Marketing: signaling which types of target groups that the product should appeal to, such as demographic, psychographic, benefit segments, etc.

    5. Information/Disclosure: disclosing important consumer information for legal, consumption, and other marketing purposes, such as ingredients, directions, product history, etc.

    6. Safety/Liability Protection: meeting the duty to warn consumers of foreseeable dangers connected to product consumption.

    7. Environmental Concern: informing about environmental impact concerns such as recyclability, disposability, ozone friendliness, etc.

    8. Cross-Promotion: jointly promoting the brand with other external or internal brands.

    9. Additional Package Uses: enabling use of the package after the product’s contents have been consumed.

    10. Innovation: providing packaging innovations as an alternative or complement to new product development.


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