Outline and describe the 8 marketing mix concepts theoretically and apply the components to one of your products offerings

    The final stage of the marketing audit is for you to evaluate how well the marketing mix of the organization is performing for your chosen organization. NB: as before, if you have a large range of product offerings, it is a good idea to focus on just one. 1. Outline and describe the 8 marketing mix concepts theoretically and apply the components to one of your products offerings. The part of your application is sure to explain and evaluate all of the 8ps of marketing (product, prices, promotion, distribution, partnerships, people, processes and physical evidence).organisation is performing for your chosen organisation. NB: as before, if you have a large range of product offerings, it is a good idea to focus on just one.

    2. Given your evaluation of your overall marketing strategies, the competition and broader contemporary issues facing marketers today, provide recommendations for your organization. Your recommendations should focus on each of the 8ps and illustrate how contemporary issues may impact your organization and its marketing strategy. Assignment instructions: Cover Page i. Table of contents ii. Executive summary 1. Introduction Remember to clearly identify the company, product & / location and the consumer so that I know who you are referring to. 2. Analysis 2.1. Product • Define terms or concepts • Tell me what your brand / organization did / do in relation to the conceptorganisation. Your recommendations should focus on each of the 8ps and illustrate how contemporary issues may impact on your organisation and its marketing strategy.

    • Give me examples (use visuals where applicable)
    • Explain how they fit into their overall strategy • Tell me if it was good or bad (evaluation) 2.2. Price • Define terms or concepts • Tell me what your brand / organization did / do in relation to the concept • Give me examples (use visuals where applicable) • Explain how it fits in their overall strategy • Tell me if it was good or bad (evaluation) 2.3. Place 2.4. Promotion 2.5. People 2.6. Processes 2.7. Physical evidence 2.8. Partnerships ** repeat the same for all 8 3. Recommendationsin to their overall strategy

    in to their overall strategy

    This section is about how you would improve each of these elements for your selected consumer group? If the section is good, then just elaborate how you would maintain it. Support with theory and justification. Give specifics.
    3.1. Product
    3.2. Price
    3.3. Place
    3.4. Promotion
    3.5. Processes
    3.6. Physical evidence
    3.7. People
    3.8. Partnerships
    4. Conclusion
    5. References


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