Outline 18

    Students will submit a 300 word Outline Draft of the Final Exam Focus.
    This can be changed with Final Submission.
    Must be formatted According to APA Components.
    Below is your Final Exam Assignment:
    Final Exam
    Purpose of Assignment
    This week requires the student to incorporate all Economic Competencies discovered during the duration of the course.Students will be assigned a Subject Matter during week one in class and will have the duration of the course to complete the task. Include transitional process as well as new regulations and potential unintended consequences with externalities.
    Assignment Steps
    1. Explore a Non-Profit and or Public Good/Service Index in which you feel should on a Macro Level should be For Profit or
    2. Explore a For-Profit Index in which you feel should on a Macro Level Should be Non-Profit orPublic Good/Service
    Subject Matters include the following indexes:
    Prepare a 1200 page with a the goal of including all course competencies to defend your choice and focus.
    Citea minimum 1 source from the University of Phoenix Library and 2 additional reputable sources which may include the course text.
    Determinewhich position you support and defend your position.
    Formatconsistent with APA guidelines.

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