Outdoor activity leadership and management Custom Essay

    This type of work it is call guidebook which has a special format and I will send you an example of these type of documents, there is no references list, you will see how is it on the example ( such as, the end of the paragraph you put for more information visit www……) NO references list please. Also, there is my essay which is the element 1 (assignment) you do need to take some point and use it in the guidebook, if you need. please read the assignment requirements very carefully

    The information should flow( after the brief introduction start with the most important thing then second and third) the first important thing is the principles. Also, Like planning, safety, risk management skills.
    Please put some chart, pictures and diagram. And have to be related to the paragraphs that you wrote as well as it have to be describing the talk.

    Kindly note that imagine your an organisation (and name it ) telling people how to be effective leaders. it can just apply to one thing either its got be applicable to all activities. so you might tell them how to evacuate mountains if an accident occurs. so youd find info mountain rescue and offers tips on how to stay calm etc.

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