Outcome Measures in Audiology Rehabilitation

    Outcome Measures in Audiological Rehabilitation

    Each student will select and research three to four self-repoit scales/outcome measures fi‘om
    the list provided. In researching the scales, students should identify for each scale:

    0 the principles behind its design and development

    0 the clinical question(s) the test/scale is designed to address

    0 the evaluation of the test/scale (e.g., reliability, validity)

    0 the administration of the test/scale

    9 the interpretation of the test/scale results

    0 how it has been/is used in clinical practice and/or research


    The essay will follow a standard format. The topic should be broadly introduced: Why
    measure outcomes? What are outcome measures? How can outcomes measures be used ~ in
    research and clinical practice? then lead to a well-structured orderly literature review and
    discussion (eg of similarities and differences as appropriate) of your chosen 3-4 self-
    report/outcome measures.

    In the Appendices a copy of the scales should be included plus a one page summary/overview
    for EACH scale of the key concepts. This sheet should contain information that you (and
    your classmates) would find useful in selecting and conducting the test in your future clinics.
    The summary pages will also be assessed as part of the overall assignment.


    1. Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE)

    2. Communication Profile for the Hearing Impaired (CPHI)

    3. Intemntional Outcomes Inventory – Hearing Aids (IOI-
    HA. IOI-AI, IOI-So)

    4. Glasgow Hearing Aid Benefit Profile (GHABP)

    5. Client Orientated Scale of Improvement (COSI)

    6. (Abbreviated) Profile of Hearing Aid Benefitll’erfonnanoe

    7. Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life (SADL)

    8. Significant Other Assessment of Communication (SOAC)

    9. Denver Scale of Communication Function – Modified

    ltb Hearing Aid Performance Inventory (HAPI) I Hearing Aid
    Needs Assessment (HAN A)

    I 1. Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ)

    I2. Spatial Hearing Questionnaire (SQ)

    I3. Hearing Aid Users Questionnaire

    I4. The Hearing Handicap Questionnaire

    15. Self- Assessment of Communication (SAC)

    16. Hearing measurement Scale (HMS)

    17- Social Hearing Handicap Index (SHI)

    18. Performance Inventory for Profound & Severe Loss

    I9. Profile of Hearing Aid Performance (PHAP)

    20. Hearing Coping Assessesment (I ICA)

    2 I. Gothenburg Profile (GP)

    22. Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability & Handicap

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