Other: Format is found in the instruction uploaded

    Other: Format is found in the instruction uploaded
    I made 2 experiments on Spinach Leaves

    Experiment1 is Light vs. Dark photosynthesis (leaves were put under light and another sample in a dark chamber) and then we need to compare and say why sample under light better photosynthesized)

    Experiment 2 Incandescent vs. Full Spectrum lights photosynthesis.( 1 sample under Incandescent light and another under Full spectrum light and then explain why did the sample under Full Spectrum photosynthesized better)
    I uploaded most of the instruction you need.
    For the in-text citations in my paper you would cite the authors as Avissar et al., Publication Year. On the final references page you will list all of the author’s last names and their initials.
    I will need 2 additional references beside my textbook and my lab manual. I will upload a picture of my textbook authors and the lab manual is by, Tenth Edition by Vodopich, Moore, 2014.
    I’m a 2 year undergrad student, so I don’t want the paper to be very sophisticated becuase that would be suspicious . I need a perfect grade though.

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