

    This assignment is regarding the training and orientation efforts of an organization. It is not required, but it is recommended that you utilize the same organization and/or positions you used in Assignment #2 to establish a corporate culture, locale, and need for a specific position in that company. AS previously, approach this assignment from a role-playing perspective. Remember that, if you utilize existing documents from your current or past workplaces, that I will expect you to revise them or alter them accordingly, NOT just cut and paste or directly copy them. This should be YOUR work with YOUR thoughts on how such a program should be enacted. It’s OK to use other examples or ideas, but they should be cohesive and in alignment with your “vision” of this program. Choose one of the following options.

    Option 1 – Orientation/Development

    You are a HR manager or a GM at a hospitality asset. You have decided to either create from scratch or revamp an existing orientation program for new hires. This option requires the following components:

    • A review of the organization’s corporate culture. This should include any vision or mission statement that is appropriate and any relevant commentary explaining why or how it possesses this climate.

    • A detailed overview of an orientation program. It is suggested that you put this together in an itinerary or outline fashion. It should cover how long the orientation session(s) are, when and where they occur, how the information is delivered, who attends, how long varying facets of the program will take, who presents, how many session, etc. Use your past experiences and critically decide what was effective and what was not and develop a winning program that gets employees motivated and in step with other staff.

    • Any visual aids or hand-outs, policy memos, etc. that you would use as collateral for participants should be designed and included. You are welcome to design or include any exercise that you would use.
    Option 2 – Training

    You are a HR manager or a departmental manager at a hospitality asset. You have recently hired one or more employees through a focused recruiting strategy you developed in Assignment #2. This option continues from that point. It requires you develop a training schedule/overview for the specific position/person you hired. This option requires the following components:

    • A schedule of training. This should include, how many days/hours, and what topics are covered in each training session. There should certainly be more than one session of training. This training should be position specific.

    • Create assessment tool(s) for the competencies of the position you have selected for training. How do we know how much training they require? You may need to make up a little bit here – showing essentially the difference between the KSABs and BFOQs for the position and the actual hire.

    • Specific, position related training materials. How are you going to convey the knowledge for the skills and duties for this position? Training manuals, checklists, videos, exercises, lecture, role play, on-line testing are just a few examples of such materials. This information is required to be position specific.

    Option 3 – Development

    You are an executive at a hospitality corporation. It is your belief that management is weak in a particular area related to management skills/competencies. You have decided to create a special development program addressing this deficiency/opportunity. This option requires the following components:

    • A presentation on the selected topic. This should be in PowerPoint format, with several slides discussing the phenomena you selected, an overview and definition, its impact in general, its specific (even if made up) impact on the organization, and any other relevant pros or cons relating to the topic selected. This should be like an academic report/paper on the topic.

    • The presentation and execution of an actual exercise relating to the topic. Suggested topics include: motivation, leadership, customer service, problem resolution, stress management, time management, etc. Look at the PowerPoint for MUMs for additional topic area ideas. You will lead the exercise, and conduct a debriefing (open discussion).

    • One written self assessment exercise, or thought-related written article that carries the development out of the presentation. This should be something that can be done by the participant independently without the need for a trainer present.

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