organizational renewal theory and crisis communication

    SPCH4311 Organizational Communication Case Paper
    Relevant Course Learning Outcome (from syllabus) Identify and explore areas in organizational communication that interest you..

    Assignment Objective: Explore an org. comm topic and theory in a case paper and presentation.

    Due Dates: See below for Draft Dates.
    Paper Due: May 2nd (Presentations Due April 28 and 30th)

    Steps to take:
    1. You have reflected on various org. communication theories and concepts (culture, critical theory, identification, etc.).
    2. You have also identified a possible context or situation for a case analysis.
    3. Based on your assigned theory, select three concepts that you would like to explore in this case analysis.
    4. Determine a specific communication situation or related situations that you would like to explore. For instance, you might explore a positive and/or negative conflict pattern y in your organization. Or, if you are interested in work-life balance communication, you might identify a particular set of concepts in your theory that will aid you in analysis.
    • Focus on relationships and interactions that you are part of in your org.
    • It can be a relationship in which you experience struggles, or it can be a relationship that is relatively positive.
    • You may want to explore ways to improve communication in this relationship, or you may want to understand more clearly what about the communication in this relationship makes it so successful.
    5. Determine 3 communication concepts from your theory that you believe would be useful in exploring this situation.
    6. Identify a minimum of six (6) scholarly communication articles (besides your book) that report communication research relevant to your chosen relationship and the theory.
    7. You should plan on using the UALR library databases (Communication and Mass Media). You might thumb through the references at the back of the textbook. Keep in mind that the references must be scholarly communication references.
    8. Write a case analysis that contains all of the main sections introduced below.
    9. Be sure to keep up with drafting the sections as assigned below.
    10. Finally, you will develop a presentation for the class of your paper. More details will be provided. First, work on the main sections of your paper since your presentation will follow the same flow.

    Main Sections Organize your paper as follows:

    Title your paper to include the name of the theory and focus of your case:

    Ex: “A ________ theory analysis of (the name you give to your case)” o
    Ex: “A Relational Dialectic Theory Analysis of Work-Life Communication
    Opening paragraph: About 1/4 to 1/2 page – DUE MAR 7
    • In the opening sentence draw our interest to the case and the theory
    • Briefly explain __________ theory in a one or two line definition with a reference.
    • Major claim/thesis: This theory provides a way to understand and improve communication between members in organizations.
    • Preview the paper—This will be a standard section letting the reader know of the main sections of your paper.

    Label a section- Case. (About1 to 2 pages) – DUE MAR 7
    o Provide the background on the case including short history/mission of the org., structure of org, and context for the situation you will explore. See below

    Label a section-Theory- this section should be between 1-2 pages. Due MAR 21
    • Overview and define the theory
    • State and define and provide a brief example of each concept you will use in the analysis. The example should be one you create, not one from your case. The idea is to give the reader a clear understanding of the theory.
    • Integrate multiple sources beyond your text—communication research articles.

    Label a section-Analysis. This section should be between 2-3 Due APR 4
    • Organize the analysis of the case around two (or three) key concepts in the theory that you introduced in the previous section.
    • Each concept should be developed in a full paragraph with an application to your case including integration of specifics from the case. Thus you should have 3-4 well-developed paragraphs.
    • Your analysis should be “data rich”–Use exact quotations and vivid descriptions of communication from your experiences to illustrate your case
    • The case should include dialogue from conversations (as best as you can remember)
    • Frame the data in terms of the concepts (Concept, data, interpretation with concept)

    Label a section- Implications. This section should be 2 pages Due MAR 11
    • Develop 3 or 4 practical recommendations/insights from the case
    • Each application should be related to your communication, not someone else.
    • Focus on insights that grew from your analysis of your case.
    • Develop each recommendation into a 3 or 4 sentence paragraph
    • You may enrich these sections with relevant insights from the book such as the units on stress or conflict.
    • The recommendations should be made with both the case and the theory.
    • Don’t base your recommendations on “common sense” (e.g., “Basically, I need to be more patient.”).
    • Make recommendations for you and the other people directly involved.
    o First, the intentional use of stories has potential to ….).
    • Don’t make recommendations for others out there in the world.
    o e.g., Co-workers should keep in mind that . . .)
    • Types or categories of recommendations:
    o Insight for application: Most, if not all of your recommendations should fit the category of insight based on analysis. Be sure to state in explicit terms the types of communication behavior that are now better understood and/or suggested for improvement.
    ? E.g., Improved options for managing tensions might occur if …
    o Theory Convergence: If you use more then one theory, you may have one or more applications that relate to insights gained from combining concepts.
    ? E.g., An understanding of the functions of stories helps capture a way to more constructively manage a dialectic tension.
    Label a final section – Conclusion. This section should be 1/2 page
    • Summarize the goal of your paper.
    • Reflect on the value of the theory you used
    • Summarize the major insights gained.
    • Make a closing statement about the importance of the topic and value of the analysis.

    References – all of your references listed in alphabetical (APA style) order

    The case study should be over an airline crisis
    at least one source should be doctor Robert R. Ulmer

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