Organizational Behavior

    Organizational Behavior


    Assignment # 2:
    Mini Project – Snap Shots: 15 pts Due: the second Saturday via Email

    Materials: 1. Any digital, disposable, or Polaroid etc. as long as it can be transferred into a print.
    2. One standard poster board, any color but no writing on it
    3) Preferred is the use of PowerPoint

    Grading factors: 15 pts = Complies with all of elements of 1, 2, 3 and 4. Points are deducted if the below requirements are not met.

    1. Must portray a culture of an organization – relate it to concepts in chapter 16.
    2. 4 photos minimum, but no more than 6, glued to a poster board or on Ppnt.
    3. Must use real photos taken by the student or downloaded with source reference from Internet.
    4. No use of words to describe or label the photos. Words in your photos are ok, but don’t title your photos.
    5. Describe the reason for the selection of the particular pictures and how, and to what extend they best illustrate, document (or maybe contradict) the organizational culture of the chosen organization.
    6. APA style essay format with introduction, body and conclusion.

    Purpose and Rationale: This exercise offers a way for all participants to gain an appreciation of the differing perspectives that are possible to document an organizational culture. Organizations have cultures embedded in several forms. The goal of this exercise is to translate organizational culture into a visual model and to explain the process to the reader. Chapter 16 of the course text further explains organizational cultures. It works on the notion that what people see is what will dictate how they approach their work. It is important for others to understand how colleagues or employees see their organizational culture at work if managers, trainers, etc. are going to be effective at operating an organization. Ultimately, this translates into understanding the organizational culture in a business.

    Process: Students are to take photo snapshots of their (or any other) work environment that have cultural or symbolic value, i.e., carry a message worth reporting to their colleagues (in this case, our class). This could be signage, special postings, the physical layout of the organization, the workforce (employees) that shows meaning, whether disorder or orderly. Think about the things that go well or areas that need improving. Further consideration could be towards visually answering the following questions: What does the company do? How do they do it and why? It is entirely up to the student what they shoot. It is preferable that students take photos of their current work environment. However, they may choose prior employment or a company that has familiarity.


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