Organisational development for cultural safety

    ‘Develop a case study of what would be involved in the strategic management and organisational development necessary to optimize cultural safety. Apply the theory of cultural safety to an actual health related workplace and describe the
    processes required there to bring about change in how staff approach diversity’

    [2.2] Maximum word length is 2,000 excluding references.

    [2.5] In preparation for this assignment ensure that you read the marking criteria.

    [2.7] Ensure that all references in the main body of the assignment and in reference lists are correctly presented. The referencing system that can be used is APA 6th Edition.

    ‘Develop a case study of what would be involved in the strategic management and organisational development necessary to optimize cultural safety. Apply the theory of cultural safety to an actual health-related workplace and describe the processes required there to bring about change in how staff approach diversity’. (2000 words)

    Additional Instructions

    1. Reflect on:

    a. What you have read about cultural safety in the readings by Cox (2013)
    and Cox & Taua (2013) and the lecture on Friday 29th August 2014;

    b. Your understanding of cultural safety and what/ who has informed/influenced that understanding; and

    c. Any experience you may or may not have had in developing a workplace/ health setting that aims to be culturally safe for employees/patients/clients (This reflection should be written up as paragraph 2 – following an introductory paragraph – (approximately 300 words)

    2. Identify an area where cultural safety is an issue and apply theory. Describe the example and apply the theory of cultural safety to the context where changes are needed in how staff approach diversity (approximately 500 words).

    o Parts 1 and 2 = 15% of total weight 30%.

    3. Document in stages/processes of change or other logical form how you would
    approach and address the need for cultural safety within a health-related
    workplace (approximately 800 words – worth 10% of total weight [30%]).

    4. Summarise the assignment with a paragraph that highlights at least three key
    points from 1, 2 and/or 3 above (approximately 400 words – worth 10% of total
    weight [30%]).

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