OREM THEORY: ability to analyze and critically situate a grand theory in modern nursing practice

    This written assignment is designed to address students’ ability to analyze and critically situate a grand theory in modern nursing practice.
    Select one grand theorist from the following: Leininger, Roy, Orem, or Neuman

    The theorist I choose is OREM

    -Critically situate the selected grand theory in a modern nursing practice by:
    a) Analyzing the selected theory using the criteria outlined by Willis (2002, pp. 118-122) and contemporary social, political, and economic realities.
    b) Appraising the value of the selected grand theory as a means to guide your personal nursing practice.
    In this discussion consider potential barriers in using this theory.
    In addition, create strategies to facilitate your use of this theory.

    Students are expected to use resources beyond assigned readings to establish a context for their discussion (e.g. scholarly literature, media, and professional standards).

    Extra guidelines:
    1. Provide introductory and concluding sections.
    2. Include appropriate headings and subheadings 3. Written in first person where appropriate
    4. Use of APA, 6th ed.
    5. Maximum 8 pages in length excluding title page and references

    – All articles must be appropriate to the issue.
    • There must be a minimum of three current (<5 years) professional journal articles. • There must be at least one (1) nurse as an author in each peer reviewed required article. • Copies of all journal articles used must be submitted with the paper.

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