Please follow the insturction step by step

    I will upload 1 slide of powerpoint as example and  use it to creat what i want

    • Poster Template included
    • Please research some facet of the Oregon Court System. Use the poster template to create a visual representation of your research. Teach me about Oregon Courts! Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the Oregon Court system through a visual medium. Please make sure that your poster is dynamic as well as informative. Use pictures, diagrams, and charts to enhance the content of your poster. You may select any facet of Oregon Courts: a broad overview, a specific look at one component (like bail in Polk County or traffic courts in Monmouth, etc).  Please use the provided links at the top of Moodle to help guide and begin your research.

    You do NOT have to print your poster. Uploading the digital file is sufficient.

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